
A brief test - approx. 15 minutes that looks at the essential and critical factors of the job - usually body part specific and set up as a repeated test - every three to four months on a high risk job position - looking for trends or patterns of degradation of range of motion or strength of employees.

A custom built strengthening program designed to maintain the physical abilities necessary to perform everyday work duties.

Performed on-site at the employer - may take 1 to 3 hours reviewing the essential and critical demands of the job and writing up a summary report with pictures and descriptions of functions and high risk tasks. Detailed report provided.

A brief test – approx. 15 to 30 minutes that looks at the essential and critical demands of the job: each screening is individualized to meet the needs of the employer. This screening provides an opportunity to determine if the new employee is physically able to perform the job they have been hired to perform. Establishes a employee baseline and weeds out pre-existing conditions.

Physical Therapy with the focus of using essential and critical demands of the job as a template for job specific rehab throughout the course of treatment.

A brief test - approx. 15 to 30 minute examination, that looks at the essential and critical demands of the job. Similar in nature to a post offer screen but used for transfer of employees from a lesser physically demanding job to that of a higher physical demand.Assists Employer in mitigating risk.

Ergonomic Workstation Assessments: Both seated and standing workstations can be assessed for either the general employee population or a specific employee returning to a job post injury. All standardized formulas and descriptors are used with digital imagery to report any risks and of course recommendations. Ergonomic Hazards Analysis: A walk through review of the employer operation with detailed report on any areas deemed high risk and a review of associated functions and / or environments with proposed solutions.

A 2 to 4 hour evaluation based upon the Fit2WRK protocol Model - software system will provide a detailed report based upon factual objective evidence. Availability for Disability Examinations for both “Own Occ” and “Any Occ” applications. The job generic report is used as a vocational tool to allow placement of the individual in the generic field of work.

A full battery of educational programs are available for both the professional staff of an employer to that of the general employee population such as slip and fall or back injury prevention.

Detailed stretching programs are customized per high risk job based upon historical injury determinations. The program is set up for employee participation prior to work, returning from lunch and at the end of the workday. *Fit2WRK copy written illustration for standard stretches available through Creative Services upon request.